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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to Africa!

We are so excited to be heading out to Africa again at the end of the month. We will be out for two months and have a lot on the to do list. Here's a few of the things we'll be doing...

-Spending time with two new potential affiliates. Action Ministries in Mombasa, Kenya and Christian Vision Ministries in Kyanga, Tanzania.
-Throwing a big Christmas party for all the kids at Home Again! YAY!
-Developing an agricultural project
-Staff training
-Art projects with the kids from Home Again and the Vocational School
-Organizational Development with our affiliate, Bringing Hope to the Family
-Working on plans / preparation for building a new medical clinic
-Digging another well
-Finish building the Volunteer House and get the Sasser family moved in (our International Coordinators)
-Work on some income generating projects for disadvantaged women
-Shoot lots and lots of footage
-Share the love of Christ with everyone we meet and much much more!

We won't be doing all of this by ourselves. We have a team from Nashville joining us in January... along with the Sassers (who are moving out permanently!). This is an important trip for us, Bringing Hope to the Family and future affiliates. Please keep us in your prayers and keep an eye out for up-dates. It's going to be a great trip and we want to share it with you as much as possible!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Travis -

Exciting to hear all the news and that you are heading back to Africa. Please give hugs to everyone - our kids miss their friends at Home Again and Dorcus so much.

Would you be able to take a package of letters and photos with you. We have sent several packages but not sure if they are getting them.

We will be praying for you guys!!


November 12, 2008 at 4:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Christina Adams, I was wondering if you were looking for anymore people to accompany you to Africa?

Christina Adams

November 12, 2008 at 1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys will most assuredly be in my prayers.

November 15, 2008 at 12:21 PM  
Blogger RebeccaKristen said...

Hi Travis. My name is Rebecca and I live in Nashville! I'm loving your website and organization. I'm a friend of Carrie Manor who is going to be on your trip. I'll be in Uganda at the time of your trip from January through March and wondered if I could hook up with you guys and see what you're doing and join in the fun. :) I'll also contact the lady Carrie told me about who is coordinating the trip. Peace and grace and blessings to you!

November 18, 2008 at 8:32 AM  
Blogger leanna said...

can't wait to read the stories & see the pictures.

keep on.

November 20, 2008 at 12:33 AM  

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