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Friday, April 24, 2009

We're Back At It

Today Baptist, Cathi and myself went out to the Kyongera village. We continued inspecting the work on the homes that we had already visited. Our trek today was just as encouraging as last time. Most of the homes had made the necessary repairs. Next week we hope to be purchasing mosquito nets! Today, we had planned to journey back out by way of motorcycles, but for some unknown reason it appears that all the Boda-Boda’s (motorcycle taxi drivers) had taken the day off. So, we drove in the van as far as we could go and then had to huff it the rest of the way. After hours of walking in the hot sun we arrived at our last house for the day. Upon arrival they welcomed us with boiling hot fresh milk and fried eggs! Cathi couldn’t stomach the hot milk on a hot day (I wasn’t looking forward to it either.) So, when the family left the room I downed her glass and mine. What can I say, I’m a wonderful son-in-law! I don’t have the sturdiest stomach, and let’s just say hot fresh milk and eggs on a hot day has not sat well with me. But, none the less, it was a wonderful gesture of courtesy and generosity from this family. The families are so grateful for our help. I have to say, I love my job!

Sorry for the lack of photos. I have some and will share them soon. Our computer crashed, and we are using a friend’s computer. When we get ours up and running and can shrink photos we will post them.

Be blessed, Chris


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