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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

After my first full day...

It's now my second day in Kenya and the first time we have had internet connection, which we came by after traveling to many places that should have had internet but did not.

Yesterday Travis and I went to a village north of Nairobi. It was the sort of place that I imagine when I picture developing countries, though I didn't expect there to be such lush vegetation in East Africa. It was more in accord with my perception of rural Central America. It was beautiful, though I don't know if I feel okay admitting that. The shanties dispersed among banana trees and maize, bean, and potato crops created a very idyllic image. I wonder what the locals' standard of living is in this village and if they are among the third of the people in the world that live in moderate and extreme poverty. Their standard of living is clearly significantly below ours in the US, but I wonder if they have been able to sustain themselves to the degree where simply surviving is not a problem. To me it seems that they have, at least in this particular village, but I was only there for four hours and am still uninformed.

The first picture below is me sleeping in the airport in London, the second is my bed on the floor the first night in the hotel, and the third is in a matutu, kind of like a small city bus, on the way to the village I mentioned above. These matatu rides are interesting; they pack as many people as they can in the bus, sometimes with several people hanging on outside of the bus.

We're on our second day here but I already feel like I've been here for much longer. It's crazy to imagine that I have more than sixty days left.

-Cooper Breeden


Blogger said...

so stoked for you guys. wish i was there to take photos. Travis and David... you kids hang in there.

December 3, 2008 at 8:29 AM  
Blogger leanna said...

i want so badly to go to africa. i need it more than it needs me. i need to see the world and to be humbled out of my american mindset. and i want to do so while i have something to offer.

December 4, 2008 at 12:05 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

so glad you are able to go to kenya. i just got back about a week and a half ago. i went to three communities around nairobi..kwambekenya, joska and ngaamba. what a beautiful country with the most incredible people...

December 4, 2008 at 9:10 AM  
Blogger Auntie Amanda said...

Mutatus while carrying luggage are the best. Be grateful that you guys only took backpacks! Can you imagine?!
Praying for you guys.
See you soon!!!

December 6, 2008 at 2:10 PM  

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