Hello all. I hope everyone is doing well. We are quickly wrapping up our first year here. But, thankfully not before getting a few more things accomplished.
Also, since our last post, we hosted our final HIV/Aids test for the year. We visited a village that was about 30 minutes down a dirt road. Wait a second, every village we visit is 30 minutes down a dirt road. But, seriously it was. I must admit I don't remember the name of the village, but the pastor who arranged us coming was a wonderful man. He was very grateful and he has a true heart for his community. We were able to test 126 people. We had more people show up than we had test strips. It is sad that we couldn't assist everyone, but that's a reminder of how great the need is here. Out of the 126 tested 5 were positive.
In other news we had our Thanksgiving meal last night with some fellow missionary friends in Ft. Portal. We made the boys Indian hats. They had a great time and I had ham for the first time in 10 months. I was so excited. I have missed ham.

The well we began in Kacungiro (Kochoongee ro) over a month and a half ago is finally complete. We were supposed to hand it over to the community today, but due to heavy rains we have rescheduled for Saturday. This well will service over 40 families, which is more than 150 people. This was a community that desperately needed a clean water supply. This was our first time being in Uganda during the month of October, and now we know what it's like. Note to self... do not attempt to construct a well in October. It's just far too wet. But, that being said, we are so glad that we have had the opportunity to bless this village and to have been able to finish it before we return to the states.
Also, since our last post, we hosted our final HIV/Aids test for the year. We visited a village that was about 30 minutes down a dirt road. Wait a second, every village we visit is 30 minutes down a dirt road. But, seriously it was. I must admit I don't remember the name of the village, but the pastor who arranged us coming was a wonderful man. He was very grateful and he has a true heart for his community. We were able to test 126 people. We had more people show up than we had test strips. It is sad that we couldn't assist everyone, but that's a reminder of how great the need is here. Out of the 126 tested 5 were positive.
Outside of these projects we are busy getting everything in order. We are also getting Moses ready to be the go-to guy while we are gone. We are confident that he will do a great job.
In other news we had our Thanksgiving meal last night with some fellow missionary friends in Ft. Portal. We made the boys Indian hats. They had a great time and I had ham for the first time in 10 months. I was so excited. I have missed ham.
I think this will do for now. We will post a time or two again next week as we head to Kampala for Phill's wedding and then off to the airport. Exciting times ahead.
Be blessed,
Nearly completed box spring well.
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