Hello to all! We've been busy around here, which is a good thing. Moses, Kolby and I hung more mosquito nets this past week. The need is everywhere. We are quickly becoming quite popular now that the word is out that muzungu Chris has a stash of them at his house. People come up to me almost daily looking for nets.
We also started digging a new well this week. The locals were quite surprised to see 3 of us muzungus show up to dig today. We had a great time getting in the dirt. First we had to level the site and then we started digging the actual well. Tomorrow will be the truly messy day as we get deep into the mud. The current water source for the community of Kyempisi is frightening. This will be a great help to these people.
Our last remaining volunteer, Aaron, flies back to the states on Monday. We have really enjoyed having him here. Now that he has been here for almost a month he doesn't seem like a visitor. We've gotten used to him being around, but sadly his time has come to an end. Looking back over the last month, I believe he has had the opportunity to experience a lot of things here.
I must share an Aaron story with you... Last Sunday we were heading off to Ft. Portal for church and Aaron said he wanted to visit the local Anglican church instead, because they were having confirmations that day. Knowing roughly how that was going to play out I said, "Sure have a GREAT time." We took our 45min ride to church, completed the service, had lunch, took our 45min ride back, and watched a movie at the house before we even heard from Aaron. I am laughing as I am writing this. He endured an 8 hour service in Rutooro without anyone translating. The dilemma with attending these functions is that, being a visitor, they want you to be on the front row. No sneaking away for him. When he got back to the house he was drained. Now, please don't think of me as a mean missionary. Aaron has wanted to get the REAL experience while being here. And we all got a REAL good laugh, with him of course.
On another note, we started Kolby's homeschooling last week. And, I am proud to say that he is the top of his preschool class. Never mind the fact that he is the only student. He'd be the top either way. He is a very bright kid.
Also, our garden is doing great. Our cabbage has finally come up. We are still cheering our peppers along. They haven't done much yet. We also have onions growing in our compost. I am not to sure how I feel about compost veggies.
And finishing on a more serious note, last Saturday all of the volunteers climbed a nearby hill to seek the Lord. We are convinced that GOD has big plans for this area, because none of it makes any sense. Why would 5 individuals representing three separate organizations move here, which is the middle of nowhere, within two months of each other? The wild thing is that none of us knew about the others coming until it was almost time to come. Needless to say, God is up to something. I believe God is drawing us together and preparing us this year for whatever His will is. It's exciting! And, believe it or not, a young lady from Poland arrived here this week. She is going to be here for at least 6 months. Go God!
Be blessed,

New recipients of a mosquito net!

Our good friend and volunteer, Aaron.

Our garden.

This is our most common form of transportation, "boda boda!"

The original drinking source for the people of Kyempisi.

The beginning stages of the new well.